We sent out a call across the globe for people of all ages to submit their inspirational idea in healing our planet and its people. You did not disappoint!
Thank you to everyone who submitted their proposals, projects, and art! Our judges, Dan Wildcat, Lee Francis IV, Weyodi Oldbear, and Johnnie Jae fiercely deliberated and came upon these six winners!
1.Gabriel Durham - Mending the Broken Circles
“We live in a world that is inexorably interconnected, yet are made to live in systems founded on “us versus them” mentality. This essay will unpack how these systems have been developed and then, after dispelling some foundational misconceptions, will offer a fully holistic way forward.“ Read More
Gabriel Durham is an Ecological and Medical Anthropologist based in Houston Texas. His work draws from biology, psychology, economics and religious studies in an effort to unify modern sustainability efforts and science with indigenous ecological knowledge and wisdom. In his day job, he presently serves as the Sustainability Coordinator at the University of Houston as well as offering freelance sustainability and mindfulness consulting.
2.Ashley Harris - Immersive Living Communities
“Studies have repeatedly shown how access to green spaces and strong community benefit our bodies and minds. In my Immersive Living design, everyone’s back door leads to large areas of uninterrupted wild spaces and at the center of each community is a shared space where people come to celebrate, play, work, and connect. This design also protects large tracts of land, which is better for the earth’s biodiversity than preserving small areas like we do for our traditional suburb park.” Read More
3.Aaron Cheesman - ho·me·o·sta·sis
“The universe, as I understand it, is the culmination of an almost inconceivable amount of matter and space spread out in all directions. I am not a scientist. I am an artist. I have always been an artist. I [ejectmysoul] onto the universe, it is my canvas. It is my sandbox, my plaything. I have been creating my own worlds since I was a child, this is just my latest project.
I could pitch you this project, but I would much rather take you on a journey of its progress.” Read More
Ages 15 and below
Mental Health by Shi Qui Li, Samantha Maung, and Vivian Chan
1.Shi Qi Li, Samantha Maung, and Vivian Chan - Mental Health
“We are freshmen attending Abraham Lincoln Highschool in San Francisco. We wanted to talk more about how most individuals struggle with mental health, yet few people take action to address it. You may be wondering, what is mental health and how does it affect someone? Well, let us explain it to you.” Read More
2.Wes - Wes saves the Planet
Wes developed clear ideas on how to save our planet through art! See his artwork
3.Sophie Wall - Distraction
Sophie focused on creating a work of art to demonstrate the problematic approach to gendered “distractions.” See her artwork