Movie Night at MONAH

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Join MONAH for a movie night! Sit back, relax and enjoy Pearl: A Daredevil who Dared to Dream.

Set in 1920s rural Oklahoma, Pearl is the inspiring and true story of Chickasaw aviatrix, Pearl Carter Scott, the youngest pilot in American History. 

Mentored by world-renowned aviator Wiley Post, Pearl first pilots a plane at age 12 and becomes a commercial pilot and local barnstorming celebrity before she reaches adulthood. As she finds love and becomes a wife and mother, her two greatest passions collide. 

Featuring beautiful cinematography and rich period settings, Pearl is a family friendly, historical drama about a spirited young daredevil coming of age. She pursues her dreams against the backdrop of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl and comes to value the love and support that flows from strong family ties. 

Thank you to the Chickasaw Nation for sharing this film.