Scott Family Amazeum Presents: Out-of-This World Ice Explorations


Did you know that there's ice in space? NASA even refers to comets as "cosmic snowballs"! Join the Scott Family Amazeum team as we experiment with ice balloons and model dry ice comets to explore out-of-this-world ice! We'll use our experiment findings and the Amazeum's Icy Bodies exhibit to discover what makes up a real comet, how it's similar and dissimilar to a snowball, and what makes comets move through space! It's bound to be a freezing-good time.

To participate in the exploration with us, please prepare in advance by freezing water inside a tied balloon. You'll also need a tray, food coloring, salt, sugar, corn starch, coarse salt, eating utensils, and a flashlight. 

Educators: Sarah Wiley, Educational Partnerships Specialist & Meg Bendedetti, Camp Coordinator