Indigenous Food As Medicine with Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz


Join Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz in an interactive presentation on the rich history of indigenous foods and how they continue to be used in the health and healing of her community along with many other cultures around the world! This month we are making nopales green juice!

Felicia is a Tewa-Xicana traditional healer living in the Sonoran Desert where she works as an indigenous foods activist and natural foods chef. Her work has been featured in Food & Wine, Spirituality & Health, and on Padma Lakshmi's Taste The Nation among many other platforms. Felica loves sharing knowledge!

This event will be live on Zoom and Facebook Live. A limited number of participants will be on the Zoom workshop, registration is required. A Facebook account is not required to view the event on their platform. After the event, it will keep posted for 30 days only. It will be available until May 3, 2021.